Don’t believe everything he tells you. Please remember that he’s no longer your friend or looking out for your best interests.
I don’t know how things work where you are unless it’s the UK where I live. That’s why I suggested 3 options for voluntary drug testing.
You have told fingers crossed for someone who abandoned their child.
We would need a lot of information to even maybe help here. If he has a lawyer and you don’t then you are at a huge disadvantage.
His lawyer has no authority to make any of those decisions or calls. He’s simply a paid puppet.
There’s no court order he can advise whatever he wants.
What is your current custody order? Specifically, what does the current custody order say about phone communication between you and the child?
We do not have a current court custody agreement. It’s only been verbal up until recently when he decided to file his motion.
If you don’t have an order, then he’s not in contempt of anything. Your recourse is to make sure your upcoming custody order has very specific provisions about phone access/communication with the child when the child is with the other parent.
Even if you have an order and there is a disparaging clause, what happens when you call to speak to the child and Dad just doesn’t answer the phone?
My parenting plan says that if one parent isn’t able to arrange a phone call at the designated time, we have 24 hours to return it.
The disparaging clause is only to prohibit bad-mouthing about the other person. It doesn’t have anything to do with accepting phone calls.
Thanks for the response!! Sorry, I should have phrased that a little better.
If you have all those texts etc., get a court advocate and file for full custody. They will help you get an attorney and put this guy in his place.
FL will not give full custody unless there is actual proof of detriment to the child.
Like abandoning your child.
Because you haven’t lost all custody that is not ok… definitely keep all screenshots/evidence and report that.