Child support confusion... what do I do?

Hey everyone! So my son just turned 18 and lives with me now, but I’m still paying child support to the other parent. I have another kid who’s 15 and only stays with me every other weekend. I make twice what I did when we divorced, so I’m wondering if filing for a child support reduction will actually help… or will it just stay the same because of my higher income? Anyone been in a similar boat?

I’ve been through this. Just let your ex know that payments should stop since your son is living with you. If they take you to court, they probably won’t win.

You should definitely talk to a lawyer about this. It can get complicated.

In my state, support goes until 21 unless the kid moves out. Check your state laws too.

Honestly, it varies by state. Some focus on income, others on custody. It might not change just because your son is living with you.

Have you tried using an online calculator? It can help you see how changes might affect your payments.