Both me and my husband have children with our exes, and both of them are saying they need to ‘inspect’ our house before we can have our kids for our regular weekend visits. We have the Indiana parenting time guidelines, and I can’t find anything in there that says they can inspect our home. We’ve let them do it before, but we’re tired of the constant nitpicking and just want to know if they even have the right to make this demand. We already contacted our lawyer, but still waiting for a call back. Any thoughts or similar experiences?
Yeah. There is no way my ex enters my home. But he was abusive with 0 custody. I’d be talking to an attorney. He did call CPS once and they came. They found no issues, and it was all good.
I think I’d insist that if anyone is going to inspect, it has to be CPS. They sound crazy enough to plant something in your home.
Adler said:
I think I’d insist that if anyone is going to inspect, it has to be CPS. They sound crazy enough to plant something in your home.
Absolutely. That’s another concern. My ex tried giving me weed to stash for him when his girlfriend got pregnant. I’m already leery of that and refused, pretty sure I dodged a bullet there.
If there’s nothing in the custody agreements about it, then no. You don’t have to let them into your home. If they try to violate your parenting time, they’ll be in contempt. There’s no reason they should be allowed in your private home to poke around.
You simply respond, ‘No, you may not inspect my home. I will be picking the children up at our regular time and location.’ Then you don’t engage further. Every time you respond or get upset, you give them more power. ‘No’ is a complete sentence.
You’re right. Damage is done though, and usually my ex is the more level-headed one, but not this time lol.
Don’t allow the inspection unless it’s written into your agreement. If your ex denies you parenting time for this reason and it’s not in the agreement, you can file for contempt. Let the judge educate them.
Borrow all your friends’ BDSM gear and sex toys, leave them hanging in the bedroom. They’ll sneak in and take pics, it’ll backfire! CPS will realize they’re lying.
Maya said:
Borrow all your friends’ BDSM gear and sex toys, leave them hanging in the bedroom. They’ll sneak in and take pics, it’ll backfire! CPS will realize they’re lying.
They’ve already ruined their credibility with CPS . After a few visits, CPS stopped even bothering. They just note the reports as ‘unfounded’.
Nope, your ex doesn’t have the right to see or enter your home unless it’s specifically ordered by the court.