I’m going through a separation and still living in the house. My ex is threatening to limit my time with our child, and I’m working with my lawyer on an interim parenting agreement. She thinks I’m not a fit father, which isn’t true. I’ve been in my kid’s life since birth and want shared parenting. The situation feels uncomfortable because she’s constantly recording me. She’s recording whether we’re having a normal conversation or even a small argument. Once, I heard a robot say ‘This call is being recorded’ during a phone call, and I just hung up. She sends me photos of small messes in the house, claiming she’s documenting unsafe living conditions. It’s frustrating and makes me feel uneasy. I’m wondering how to handle this situation—any tips? Thanks!
The courts usually lean towards 50/50 parenting unless there’s clear evidence of abuse. If she brings a photo of a crumb to court, they’ll probably laugh it off. I’d suggest using a co-parenting app for communication to keep everything documented.
Your lawyer’s advice sounds solid. You might also consider recording your interactions just in case she tries to twist things later.
Every time she records, just say something like, ‘I’m really questioning your mental stability right now.’ Then just stop talking. The court won’t see most of this as relevant.
Do you live in a two-party consent state? If so, she can’t record you without your permission. If it’s one-party, then she can, so maybe look into that.
I live in Canada, and I think she can record without consent. My lawyer hasn’t mentioned anything about it. It’s frustrating.
AlimonyAdvocates1 said:
I live in Canada, and I think she can record without consent. My lawyer hasn’t mentioned anything about it. It’s frustrating.
Yeah, Canada’s a one-party consent country. She can record you without your okay. It’s a tough spot.
It sounds like she’s harassing you. Try to stay calm. The court will likely focus on your parenting ability, not her recordings. Just act like you’re always in front of a judge.
You’re dealing with a bully. Stand your ground without being confrontational. Counseling can help you manage this stress.