Hello, I have kind of a strange question. I’ve been dating a girl who’s 41 and really wants children. She tried with her ex for years and couldn’t. She went to a specialist, did in vitro, and was told everything works well. Now she wants me to get her pregnant and said she doesn’t want child support or anything like that. She even mentioned she would sign a document if needed. I like her a fair amount, but it’s only been a few months, and I’m not trying to rush into having kids. However, this has been a dream of hers forever, and her clock is ticking. Honestly, chances are she won’t even be able to get pregnant, but should I get some contract just in case? Appreciate any advice on how to proceed.
This is a huge decision, and it’s great that you’re taking it seriously. If you’re even considering it, definitely talk to a lawyer about a contract. It can help clarify responsibilities and expectations on both sides.
I think it’s important to think about how you’d feel if things don’t go as planned. You’re both still getting to know each other, so don’t rush it. Maybe have a serious talk about your feelings and the future.
Yeah, I’d be cautious. Even if she says she doesn’t want child support, things can change once the baby is here. You should talk to her about all the implications before jumping in. Communication is key.
Exactly. If you decide to go through with it, having everything in writing will protect you both. But really think about whether you’re ready for that kind of commitment.
I get that this is her dream, but make sure it aligns with your life plans too. It’s a big responsibility. Maybe suggest waiting a little longer to see how your relationship develops.
Seriously consider your options. A child changes everything, and you need to be on the same page about what that means for both of you. Don’t rush into anything.