My step-sister’s husband was arrested due to domestic violence. His mother took their three kids (11, 5, and 1) for what was supposed to be an overnight stay and is now refusing to return them. The police said it’s a civil matter and they can’t help. What are her options to get the kids back ASAP? She’s a great mother and very involved, while her husband has issues with drinking and anger and is still in jail.
Without a court order granting guardianship, the grandmother has no right to withhold the kids. Your sister should call the police and explain the situation.
Call the police again! The grandmother has no legal standing to keep the kids. Report her for kidnapping and custodial interference. Don’t accept it’s a civil matter!
This is child abduction, not a civil matter! Use those words with the police. Keep calling until your step-sister gets her kids back. Involve a lawyer and local news if necessary.
Make sure your step-sister is the one calling the police or at least present when they arrive. Otherwise, they may not be able to act.
This isn’t a civil matter unless the grandparents have legal rights. Go to get the children and call the police when they refuse to return them. Consider contacting the sheriff’s department for more support.