How do fathers avoid paying child support?

I have heard some people say that their dad never paid child support, even though he was supposed to. I have read that child support might not be enforced if the child dies, if the father is incarcerated, or if he’s proven not to be the biological father.


  1. How is child support actually enforced?
  2. How do some men manage to avoid paying it?

I am asking out of curiosity and to better understand the issue.

Unfortunately, some children don’t receive the support they’re entitled to.

Also, Happy Father’s Day to those celebrating.

Fathers sometimes avoid paying child support by hiding income, working under the table, or moving to a different location. However, courts can enforce payments through wage garnishment, seizing assets, or legal action. It’s important to comply with child support orders to avoid serious consequences.

To avoid paying child support, the best option is not to have children. However, if you already have a child, it’s important to take responsibility and support them. Avoiding child support isn’t fair to your child or the other parent. Be responsible and do your part.

It goes beyond absentee fathers. There are also mothers who are unresponsive. Among them was my ex. However, I never pursued her in court since all I wanted was my son. However, therein lays the solution: you will not receive assistance if you do not file through the courts and child support services. Rather than deal with her insanity in my son’s life, I decided to take care of him myself.