My friend lost her voice during the pandemic and is going through a divorce... help?

Hey, so I have a friend who’s been going through a tough divorce in Dallas, Texas. She also lost her voice completely during the pandemic, and it’s made everything harder for her. I’m trying to figure out how I can help her or at least point her in the right direction. Anyone got advice?

That sounds really rough for her. Does she have a lawyer to help her with the divorce?

Summer said:
That sounds really rough for her. Does she have a lawyer to help her with the divorce?

I don’t think she does right now. She’s really overwhelmed and doesn’t know where to start.

Summer said:
That sounds really rough for her. Does she have a lawyer to help her with the divorce?

She definitely needs a lawyer, especially if there’s property or debts involved. Texas divides community property and debt during divorces.

Summer said:
That sounds really rough for her. Does she have a lawyer to help her with the divorce?

Thanks for the tip. I’ll help her look into that.

Losing her voice must make it so hard to communicate. Can she ask questions online to get some advice first?

Ingrid said:
Losing her voice must make it so hard to communicate. Can she ask questions online to get some advice first?

Yeah, she’s okay typing stuff out. I’ll tell her to check out forums like this or legal advice sites.

Ingrid said:
Losing her voice must make it so hard to communicate. Can she ask questions online to get some advice first?

Good idea. Some lawyers even do consultations via email or chat these days.

Ingrid said:
Losing her voice must make it so hard to communicate. Can she ask questions online to get some advice first?

True, that could make things easier for her.

If she’s in Texas, she might want to check if there are local legal aid organizations. They sometimes offer free help for people in tough situations.

Noa said:
If she’s in Texas, she might want to check if there are local legal aid organizations. They sometimes offer free help for people in tough situations.

Oh, I didn’t think of that. Do you know any off the top of your head?

Noa said:
If she’s in Texas, she might want to check if there are local legal aid organizations. They sometimes offer free help for people in tough situations.

I’m not 100% sure, but I’ve heard of Lone Star Legal Aid. Worth a quick Google search.

Noa said:
If she’s in Texas, she might want to check if there are local legal aid organizations. They sometimes offer free help for people in tough situations.

Thanks, I’ll look that up and pass it on to her.

Divorce in Texas splits community property and debt. If she’s not sure what that means, a lawyer can explain how her stuff gets divided.

Cliff said:
Divorce in Texas splits community property and debt. If she’s not sure what that means, a lawyer can explain how her stuff gets divided.

Community property is stuff they got during the marriage, right?

Cliff said:
Divorce in Texas splits community property and debt. If she’s not sure what that means, a lawyer can explain how her stuff gets divided.

Yep, exactly. Anything they earned or bought together. Separate property is stuff she had before marriage.

Cliff said:
Divorce in Texas splits community property and debt. If she’s not sure what that means, a lawyer can explain how her stuff gets divided.

Got it. Thanks for breaking that down!

Has she tried using tools like text-to-speech apps? It could help her communicate better with people, including lawyers.

Fraser said:
Has she tried using tools like text-to-speech apps? It could help her communicate better with people, including lawyers.

Oh, that’s a great idea! Do you know any good ones?

Fraser said:
Has she tried using tools like text-to-speech apps? It could help her communicate better with people, including lawyers.

I’ve heard of apps like Proloquo or Speak It. They’re pretty easy to use and might help her a lot.