I could really use some advice here. So, my wife of 7 years, who I’ve been with for 14, just left about a month ago and said she wants a divorce. I’m okay with that, but I found out she’s been planning this behind my back with some nurses at her job. They’ve spread all my personal medical info, including my mental health stuff, and made up stories about me being violent, which is totally not true. I’ve never even been in a fight. It’s really ruined my reputation in our small town. On top of that, I’m getting threats of physical violence from some guys tied to her. And I can’t find an attorney because all the local lawyers have conflicts of interest since they’re connected to these people. I never thought I’d be in this situation. If anyone has any tips or advice, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
Can you afford $30 a month? If so, get a legal service like LegalShield. That’s a great place to start, an actual lawyer, not us yahoos on this forum.
NAL but step one: shut up. Don’t talk to anyone about this. Step two: find an attorney outside your town.
Sounds like she did her homework. You’ve gotta do the same. Read up on the laws, check out Avvo for lawyers who have handled similar cases.
Get an attorney from a bigger city. Also, report your STBX for violating your HIPAA rights. Threaten to sue over those violations and actually follow through.
This isn’t a HIPAA issue because she wasn’t sharing info from her role as a provider. She shared stuff she knew as your spouse, and spouses aren’t bound by HIPAA.
Definitely go to another town for a lawyer. Maybe even consider moving away. I’m really sorry this is happening to you.