Need help filling out the final decree of divorce in Texas

My spouse and I are currently going through an uncontested divorce in Texas. We’ve verbally agreed on a few things: we don’t want anything from each other’s bank accounts or 401k, and I won’t take her vehicle. We’ve been married for almost 4 years and are separated now. The only joint property is our house, which has an equity of about $120-160k. After the divorce, I’ll continue living in the house and paying the mortgage.

I need guidance on how to fill out the final decree so that we keep our own bank accounts and debts, and agree to split the equity in the house 50/50 until it’s sold or I can buy her out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

You should consider putting a deadline for selling the house in the decree—maybe 2 years from now. This way, if you keep paying the mortgage for too long, your spouse doesn’t benefit from your payments without contributing.

The paperwork is pretty straightforward. It guides you through listing assets and how you want them divided. Make sure both of you sign it before filing.

Just be cautious. She may seem agreeable now, but things can change. Consider consulting a lawyer to make sure your interests are protected.