Proving a False Allegation: Child Never Flew Out of State"


I’m dealing with a situation where my ex is falsely claiming that I flew our child to Florida. They intend to use this lie to try for full custody. The fact is, we haven’t left Colorado.

What’s the best way to disprove this claim? How can I demonstrate to the court that we haven’t traveled out of state? I’d appreciate any suggestions on how to address this issue.

Your ex has to prove that you took your child out of state. They need to provide evidence supporting their claim. You can then show that this evidence is false or present evidence that contradicts it.

You can’t disprove a negative directly; instead, you need to show evidence that proves their claim is false.

No, you can’t prove a negative. The accuser has the burden of proof. If they’re citing specific dates, you can gather witnesses or affidavits to show your child was in school or with others. But it’s up to the accuser to prove any wrongdoing.

First, get a lawyer. Your ex can make these claims in court, but a lawyer will help challenge them by focusing on specific dates. You can then provide receipts to show your child was with you in-state. Keep all your receipts and credit card statements.

It’s his allegation, so he has the burden of proof.

Your lawyer could contact the airlines, provide your child’s name, and request a statement confirming that the child never flew with them. It might be a hassle, but airlines have some responsibility for child protection and safety.