What are my chances of getting my son back to California...?

My ex moved out of California with my 8-month-old son to New York three months ago. I signed a permission slip for them to leave under emotional duress and now I regret it. No custody arrangements were discussed, and I just bought a 4000 sq ft house in California where I can provide a great life for them. I want them to move back here, but my ex doesn’t want to since her parents live in New York. Since California is still considered the home state for a bit longer, what are the chances that the court would let my son live back in California? I’m really worried about this situation.

File in California. In New York, you’ll be paying child support until they’re 21. NY is the worst for divorce cases.

You really need advice from a solicitor, not just random comments from people online.

You agreed for them to relocate, and since she’s the primary caregiver with family support, it might not go well for you. You can provide financially but it sounds like she has a solid support system there.

You need to file in California now. You should not have given permission. Unless you can prove you were under duress, it might be tough. Just make sure you file before the residency requirements kick in for New York.

What permission did you sign? Was it for a permanent move or just a visit? You can file for custody where you are since they aren’t legal residents of New York yet. Talk to a lawyer for sure.

Are you covering their bills in New York? That might affect your case too.

Honestly, it seems like you did the right thing by giving her permission. She probably has help from her parents, and forcing her back could ruin your co-parenting relationship. Maybe work out a long-distance arrangement instead.

You gave permission and it’s been months. It’s unlikely a court will change anything now. If you’re the primary financial provider, it sounds like you can provide a good life for them where they are.

So, you’d like your property back?

Zero chances. You gave permission for them to leave.