Hey, I’m just reaching out to clarify something about the citation I got back for having the opposing party served. I filed for a temporary order and have a hearing set for the 26th, but I’m unsure about the exact documents I need to give the process server. Anyone been through this before?
You’ll need to give the process server a copy of the petition you filed and the notice of hearing, along with the citations for both. They should be good to go once they have all that.
Clementine said:
You’ll need to give the process server a copy of the petition you filed and the notice of hearing, along with the citations for both. They should be good to go once they have all that.
Oh okay, so I don’t need to give them the original temporary order? I wasn’t sent that back like the other documents.
Nope, you only need the petition and notice of hearing. Just the citations for those documents too. Don’t worry about the temporary order itself.
I had a similar situation! I didn’t get my original temporary order back either. I just got a copy of the petition and the hearing notice, like DEF said, and it worked out fine.
Frey said:
I had a similar situation! I didn’t get my original temporary order back either. I just got a copy of the petition and the hearing notice, like DEF said, and it worked out fine.
Thanks for the confirmation! I wasn’t sure if I missed something. I’ll grab the copy of the petition and hearing notice from the clerk’s office.
You’re good to go once you have a file-stamped copy of the petition and notice of hearing. The citations will be needed for each of those documents. Just make sure to get the right stuff from the clerk’s office when you go.
Got it! Thanks for the clarity. I’ll make sure to get the stamped copy and the citations.
Quick heads-up! When you email the documents, make sure the petition and notice of hearing are included. The process server will need everything in paper form to serve properly.
I think that covers it! Once you have the right copies and citations, you’re all set for the service. Make sure to double-check the court dates too!