My ex cheated on me during a seperation despite being told things were gona work out. Yes I get it I was dumb and delusional in this I hear ya ladies.
I said many nasty texts but never a threat of any kind. After several weeks I truly got over it and just wanted to focus on our son.
So basically she filed a restraining order in December of last year that was denied due to the BS accusations, claiming physical violence when there isn’t a single witness or evidence of that(cause it never happen) she just attached a prior conviction I had of DV from over a decade ago and kept referring to that to make them believe I did it to her.
She claims I’m a danger to our son
We were together for eight years and she twice claimed we had a short romantic relationship, not sure what the motivation here is.
I have a text chain of her since the filing date for her TRO voluntarily meeting with me to exchange our son for the past 7-8 weeks, even coming to my home to pick him up drop him off, she also texted she was going to drop the TRO request and agree to mediation and end it there. We haven’t even spoken in three weeks I’ve been communicating with her mom to arrange these things.
But now I have to assume a scumbag lawyer advised her to do this hoping it’ll work and she gets full custody?
i’m in a situation where there was actual violence but it wasn’t deemed “bad enough” for it to affect anything. I think you’ll be ok. it’s very hard to prove dv unless it’s nasty and there’s police reports, medical records etc documenting the injuries sustained
There’s nothing and it’s disgusting, yes I was an asshole and very vulgar to her but no matter how angry I got I never threaten her with anything.
Here’s the insanity; she’s claiming the DV happen in 2019 when we separated(she moved out but we were still an exclusive couple) and since then we haven’t been together. lol. I have texts of her loving me and pictures etc of us going on vacations throughout the years after 2019. I’m really scratching my head on this one.
Obviously a disgraceful tactic to make me seem like I just showed up out of nowhere, she was praying all weekend I would call her or do something I bet.
She has no care for our sons relationship with me, the selfishness is almost enough to make me ill
You need a formal custody agreement so that she can’t withhold or take off with your son.
It sounds like you have evidence that she’s lying. Keep that evidence clear and concise. Family court is pretty used to the games people play. A judge won’t be impressed with her if you can prove you were a couple until recently and as soon as you broke up she’s accusing you of DV from 5 years ago to keep the kid away from you. In one of your posts, you talk about an unethical lawyer. It’s more likely that she’s lied to the lawyer as well.
Your relationship was toxic and you both have behaved badly at times. Best that it’s over and you can both focus on being good co parents to your child. Good luck.
It was dysfunctional and toxic at times but I took her for granted and didn’t understand how important talking to her and validating her was. I’ve reflected a lot and it hurts……but ive never hit her never even crossed my mind we didn’t get that angry with each other.
She calls our eight year relationship “a short romantic relationship”
She claims I’m violent and needs protection for her and our son, but there are texts after texts of her meeting with me in person and handing over our son after her TRO request
I’m convinced shes trying to get a reaction out of me so I blocked her and just went about my weekend. I just want this over with so I can move on, every time I’ve been an inch away from moving on she seems to sense it and does something to drag this on……
If there is not threat to violence they’ll probably end up dismissing it but definitely bring any evidence you can think of to support you’ve been seeing her for exchanges without issue.
Well, something that happened 10 years ago is likely not relevant and the Court should sustain objections concerning it. Without knowing the specific allegations for whatever occurred recently, I can’t really say more. However, I will say the Court is unlikely to take her seriously if she is actively undercutting her own argument in her texts to you.
It’s crazy but I’m going to have to get a lawyer because I’m not gona take any chances of loosing full custody.
I honestly think she wants me out of our child’s life completely because she doesn’t want to be held accountable for her personal life, and I’ll tell you why:
She is in a new relationship which I don’t care, but she moves in with the guy and literally a month later after god knows what happens she escapes to her sisters house 100 miles away. Of course I expressed my disagreement with this respectfully in so far as my son is concerned. She moved back with the guy a week later .
If I had a court order custody agreement this type of stuff wouldn’t be so easy for her to do, and she knows that.
You aren’t going to get full custody. And you clearly care about her being in a new relationship because you’re bringing it up. Regardless you should always hire a lawyer in situations like this especially because I don’t think you would be very good at representing yourself based off you attitude and comments made here
I don’t want full custody never requested it. Just 50/50 joint and full visitation as agreed by both of us.
The new guy in the picture I do not care. She has threaten me with this nonsense, now started it again after we agreed to end it at mediation.
Women have told me she most likely simply wants me out of the picture 100% so she can do as she pleases without having to work with me. She has already broken up, left 100 miles away with our son and came back, I can assure you it won’t be the last time.
This is her only hope to get full custody and it’s disgusting because she doesn’t care if our son wonders where his dad is.
EricOrtiz said:
If the restraining order was dismissed in December, what is pending now?
They denied a TRO and scheduled a hearing which could have happen last year but she kept not getting me served, and this kept pushing it out until she knew I wasn’t bluffing about getting my rights secured she had multiple opportunities to do so and the text will show that.
She responded to my custody request agreeing to joint legal custody and two days later she filed the paper work to go ahead with the hearing
She’s obviously trying to get a reaction out of me it’s sick, I just have her blocked right now.
I’m sorry you’re going through this. I have a similar case where my soon to be ex was trying to create a narrative by telling many of course friends that I was harassing her and that she felt unsafe around me. She purposely was disagreeable and erratic in her behavior to try to elicit a response out of me while secretly recording our conversations. Of course she’s did all this while having an affair, planning to get custody of my son, and trying to get justification for child support. My wife also agreed initially to an uncontested divorce but she was being deceptive as she was planning contested all along.
It’s hard but hang in there and try to keep your cool no matter what.