Anyone else going pro se in a divorce... what’s the deal?

Hey folks, I’m doing this pro se thing in my divorce case since my last attorney was a total disaster. I’m curious if anyone has gone through this too. Did you use an attorney just for help with the paperwork, like filing motions or reviewing stuff before you signed? What’s the right type of lawyer for that? Is it a paralegal or something? Should I just try to save up to hire another attorney? All I really need now is help with property division… any advice would be awesome!

There are companies that do just this. I can’t remember the name I found, though. Side note: if you can’t afford a lawyer, check out local modest means lawyers if you’re low income.

Paralegals can’t practice law. In some states, unauthorized practice is a crime. They do legal research and writing for attorneys. You should contact Legal Aid or your state bar for a family law attorney referral.

Been there, done that. I did it in NJ. Had a lawyer handle all docs, and I spoke for myself. It worked out! Just be careful when writing up the judge’s ruling… that can get messy.

Wesley said:
Been there, done that. I did it in NJ. Had a lawyer handle all docs, and I spoke for myself. It worked out! Just be careful when writing up the judge’s ruling… that can get messy.

Wow, sounds like a challenge! How did you handle that part?

Can you work things out with your ex fairly? Lawyers only do what you tell them. When I divorced, I had a friend who was a lawyer, and she only charged me for her expenses. It helped me a lot. We just talked it out and made it work without bleeding money on lawyers.

That’s a good point! I guess if both parties are chill about it, it could save a lot of hassle.

No way any attorney would agree to that. Liability for malpractice is just too high. If you find someone willing, they’re probably not worth it.

Going in front of a judge is like surgery. I wouldn’t do my own surgery, would you? Lawyers have valuable training. If you hire a doctor, electrician, or plumber, why risk doing your own legal work?