My ex, who’s a lawyer, sent me some texts threatening to ruin my life. He said he’d file a bunch of lawsuits against me (they’d all be bogus) and release some embarrassing stuff if I don’t do what he wants. He also said he’d try to get custody of my child taken away. I’ve blocked him everywhere and I’m trying to ignore it. Are lawyers even allowed to threaten people like this? Isn’t there some kind of ethics code against this?
That’s definitely not okay. Sounds like blackmail, and yeah, lawyers aren’t above the law. You should consider going to the police with those texts.
Gael said:
That’s definitely not okay. Sounds like blackmail, and yeah, lawyers aren’t above the law. You should consider going to the police with those texts.
I’ve saved all the messages. Do you think it’s worth it to report him now, or should I wait to see if he actually tries something?
Gael said:
That’s definitely not okay. Sounds like blackmail, and yeah, lawyers aren’t above the law. You should consider going to the police with those texts.
I’d report him ASAP. Even if he’s bluffing, it’s better to have a record of it with the authorities.
Wait, did he actually say he’d release stuff if you didn’t comply? That’s blackmail for sure. Lawyers can lose their license over this.
Marston said:
Wait, did he actually say he’d release stuff if you didn’t comply? That’s blackmail for sure. Lawyers can lose their license over this.
Yeah, he said he’d release embarrassing footage if I didn’t do what he wants. I blocked him everywhere, so I’m hoping he gives up.
Marston said:
Wait, did he actually say he’d release stuff if you didn’t comply? That’s blackmail for sure. Lawyers can lose their license over this.
Blackmail is a crime, lawyer or not. Blocking him is good, but if it ramps up, you’ll need a restraining order.
Can I ask, what’s his endgame here? Is he just trying to mess with you or does he want something specific?
Marlowe said:
Can I ask, what’s his endgame here? Is he just trying to mess with you or does he want something specific?
Honestly, I think it’s just about control. He didn’t mention anything specific he wanted, just made those threats.
Marlowe said:
Can I ask, what’s his endgame here? Is he just trying to mess with you or does he want something specific?
Classic power trip. Ignoring him and living your best life is probably the best revenge.
FYI, if you’re in Texas, you can definitely take this to the police. I’d also consider consulting another lawyer, just to be safe.
Frankie said:
FYI, if you’re in Texas, you can definitely take this to the police. I’d also consider consulting another lawyer, just to be safe.
Thanks, I’m in Texas. Do you think they’d take this seriously though? It’s all just texts right now.
Frankie said:
FYI, if you’re in Texas, you can definitely take this to the police. I’d also consider consulting another lawyer, just to be safe.
They should. Threats, especially from a lawyer, are a big deal. Take the texts with you as proof.
What does ‘bogus lawsuits’ even mean? Like, can he actually do that?
Finn said:
What does ‘bogus lawsuits’ even mean? Like, can he actually do that?
Nah, it just means lawsuits with no legal basis. He’s probably bluffing because he knows the system but can’t really win anything.
Finn said:
What does ‘bogus lawsuits’ even mean? Like, can he actually do that?
Gotcha. Sounds like he’s just trying to scare her.