Child support issues in Kansas

I’m at a loss. I, the mother, took my ex-husband to court for a child care issue. We tried mediation but failed. It was noted he was paying direct expenses including daycare, and somehow by accident a shared expense document was signed in our decree. My attorney pushed for me to take over direct expenses and him to cover the new morning care. I didn’t want to touch child support. We were both happy with it. At the time, our child support was at $0 for either of us. At the time of divorce, he made around 120k and I made 68k. The judge decided since he has been paying direct expenses except for my kid’s clothes at my house and shoes, that he should continue. This meant reworking the child support worksheet and as of our hearing, he made 200k and I’m still at 68k. Based on the direct expense credit, I am now paying him 1100 based on the sheet. He admitted after that he doesn’t need the money but I legally still have to pay it. He’s making me pay him 450 until a certain time and refunding the rest, and eventually every month will refund all of it. Unless, that is, if I take him back to court or if I piss him off essentially. Do I have any legal backing to fight this? This will financially ruin me if I pay the 1100. My rent is 1700. My biweekly check is 1800. And I found a cheap place for where I live. My attorney is useless and hasn’t even turned in the JE and won’t return my calls also. I’m close to filing a complaint with the KS bar.

How are you paying the child support if he makes double what you make? Is he the primary custodian?

It sounds like she has not been paying for expenses up to now. That could be why the judge ruled this way.

Ripley said:
It sounds like she has not been paying for expenses up to now. That could be why the judge ruled this way.

Yes, I haven’t been paying for expenses directly. I thought that would keep things stable.

Have you thought about going back to court to challenge this? If your financial situation has changed, you might have grounds.

Ocean said:
Have you thought about going back to court to challenge this? If your financial situation has changed, you might have grounds.

I really don’t want to go back to court. It feels like it would just make things worse.

I get that, but if it’s going to ruin you financially, it might be worth considering.

You might want to talk to a different attorney if yours is not helping. Sometimes a fresh perspective can do wonders.

Ziv said:
You might want to talk to a different attorney if yours is not helping. Sometimes a fresh perspective can do wonders.

I’m seriously thinking about that. I can’t keep waiting for my current attorney to respond.

Filing a complaint with the KS bar sounds like a good step if your attorney isn’t doing their job. You deserve better support.

Dez said:
Filing a complaint with the KS bar sounds like a good step if your attorney isn’t doing their job. You deserve better support.

Thanks, I think I will go ahead and do that. I need someone who will actually help me.