Ex isn't withdrawing contempt charges even though I paid... what to do?

So my ex filed contempt charges against me earlier this year for unpaid medical bills for our son, but she never sent me any receipts, so I had no idea about them. We had a teleconference with the judge, and she told me to pay them, then instructed my ex to call her office once I had paid, and she would take the court date off the docket. I paid my ex immediately, but now our court date is coming up later this week, and I still haven’t received any letter from the court canceling the hearing. When I called, I found out she hasn’t notified the court that I paid. Now she’s demanding my financial statements because she thinks she should be getting more in child support. I live about 10 hours away, and there’s a snowstorm expected the day I have to drive in. When I called the court office, the clerk said to email proof of payment to my ex, and she would take it to the judge. What are the chances the judge will drop this? Is there any way for me to get my ex to stop using the courts against me? It feels like she’s doing this just to be spiteful and make things difficult for me. Just got an update: the clerk called to say the judge will dismiss the contempt charges, but we will still have our hearing, and I can appear by phone.

That sounds really frustrating. It’s good to hear the judge is dismissing the contempt charges though. Have you thought about documenting all this to use later?

I think if you show proof of payment, the judge will likely drop it. It’s not fair for her to keep dragging this out.

It’s definitely tough. I’ve heard of people going back to court to modify support if the other parent is being unreasonable. Maybe consider that?

You really shouldn’t have to go through this, but it sounds like you handled everything right. I hope your telephonic appearance goes smoothly.

It’s really messed up how some people use the court system for petty stuff. Glad the judge is on your side. Just keep your head up.