My wife moved out of state over a year ago and blocked me from contacting her. I haven’t been able to get in touch, but I’d like to move forward with ending our marriage. There are no kids involved, and I’m hoping she’ll agree to the terms if she can be reached. What are my options if I can’t locate her?
You could try filing for a contested divorce if you’re unable to find her. What state are you in? Laws might vary a bit.
Uma said:
You could try filing for a contested divorce if you’re unable to find her. What state are you in? Laws might vary a bit.
I’m in Georgia. Do you know if I need any specific forms for that?
Uma said:
You could try filing for a contested divorce if you’re unable to find her. What state are you in? Laws might vary a bit.
I’m not a lawyer, but you might need to use forms for a contested divorce. Check online for Georgia-specific resources. I think there’s a site for the Southern Judicial Circuit that might have them.
If she agrees to sign the paperwork, you could go for an uncontested divorce. It’s way simpler and faster.
Valor said:
If she agrees to sign the paperwork, you could go for an uncontested divorce. It’s way simpler and faster.
Yeah, that’d be ideal, but I have no way of contacting her right now. What if I can’t find her at all?
Valor said:
If she agrees to sign the paperwork, you could go for an uncontested divorce. It’s way simpler and faster.
Then contested is your best bet. Sometimes they allow you to publish a notice in a local newspaper where she last lived to notify her.
Why not hire a private investigator to track her down? That might help before resorting to contested divorce.
Grace said:
Why not hire a private investigator to track her down? That might help before resorting to contested divorce.
I hadn’t thought of that. Do you know if that’s expensive?
Grace said:
Why not hire a private investigator to track her down? That might help before resorting to contested divorce.
Depends on where you live and how far she moved. Probably worth checking into though if it saves you time and hassle later.
FYI, contested divorces can be more complicated. Have you checked Georgia’s self-help legal forms? They might simplify the process.
Ashwin said:
FYI, contested divorces can be more complicated. Have you checked Georgia’s self-help legal forms? They might simplify the process.
No, not yet. Do you know where I can find them?
Ashwin said:
FYI, contested divorces can be more complicated. Have you checked Georgia’s self-help legal forms? They might simplify the process.
Yeah, I think this might help: It’s a Georgia-specific form for contested divorces with no kids involved.
Blocked contact is rough. Did she leave any family or friends behind that you could reach out to? They might know how to contact her.
Gael said:
Blocked contact is rough. Did she leave any family or friends behind that you could reach out to? They might know how to contact her.
Unfortunately, I don’t have their info. She kind of cut off ties with everyone before moving.
Gael said:
Blocked contact is rough. Did she leave any family or friends behind that you could reach out to? They might know how to contact her.
That makes things harder. Contested might be the only way if you can’t locate her. Good luck with everything—it sounds stressful.