Taking a minor to the doctor for her guardian

Hello everyone, I’m going to try and explain the situation as best I can. I’m in Texas and I work for a couple in their 60s who are trying to get custody of their 15-year-old granddaughter. They are attempting to get temporary custody, which should happen soon, and then going for permanent custody. Her mom, who I’ll call J, is currently in jail for attacking one of my bosses, but will most likely get probation. J is going through a complete mental breakdown, a spiritual psychosis. She believes that God is speaking to her, that she is the chosen one, that her daughter has a demon in her, so on and so forth. Needless to say, her daughter is not safe with her, but the Texas legal system being what it is, my bosses still have to work hard for custody and have a lawyer to help get things done. Now onto myself, I am incredibly close to my bosses’ family. In fact, before all of this happened, I had been the one taking their granddaughter to some of her appointments, clothes shopping, school events, you name it I’ve done it. Her family often referred to me as her second mother, including her real mother. And since my bosses are retired, and I will be handling most of the outside of the home stuff for their granddaughter, my question is this: is there some way that, when they have custody, they can give me permission to take her to her doctors’ appointments?

I feel like we are missing something. Are you male? (Not sure why a male would be called a second mother… but something isn’t adding up.) Legal guardians can totally delegate stuff like taking their kids to doctor appointments. But it’s an oddly specific question. What’s the real story?

That is the real story. And yes, I’m a woman. I’m literally just asking if there’s a form or something that we need in order for me to be able to take her to the doctor when my bosses are her legal guardian. That’s it. I’m not sure what’s not adding up for you. We just need to know if this is something we need to bring up with the lawyer or someone else, if there’s a legal form we need or just a note?

I don’t see why not …or am I missing something. But I’m in MN.

I don’t think you’re missing anything. I’m just not sure if we need a legal form for that or not that’s why I was asking. I was hoping maybe someone would know.