TRO placed on a person I adopted a dog from... Other person wants the dog back?

My wife and I adopted a dog from Lady A in November 2024. Last week, we got an email from Lady B showing a TRO granted from December 22, 2024 - January 27, 2025. The TRO says Lady B has temporary possession of four dogs, one of which is the dog we adopted.

Both women went to court today, but I’m not sure what happened because the case got extended until Friday. Lady A and her lawyer are telling me to ignore Lady B’s request to meet at the police station in my city to give the dog back. I’m guessing she doesn’t know my full address, just the city.

Lady A’s lawyer says I adopted the dog before the TRO was granted, so it shouldn’t affect me. But will the police give Lady B my address? (They shouldn’t, right?) Am I supposed to open the door or hand over the dog to her? What am I legally supposed to do here?

Get the dog microchipped in your name.

Make sure you have vet bills and a record of the costs you spent on the dog.

You adopted the dog, fight to keep him!

You don’t have to do anything unless you get a summons from the court. The court can’t make you do anything since you’re a third party here. Lady B is just trying to scare you into giving her the dog. The issue is between her and Lady A.

Keep your adoption papers handy and keep living your life.

This is more of a civil issue than a family law one. If Lady A took Lady B’s dogs, you might want to wait until the court gives a final ruling.

If I were you, I’d think twice about keeping the dog if it’s someone else’s. I’d be devastated if someone else took my dog.

Try thinking of it this way:
Lady A bought a fridge from Lady B using fake money. Lady B gets a court order to stop Lady A from selling the fridge. Lady A then sells you the stolen fridge without telling you.

Personally, I’d hire a lawyer. You should get your money back from Lady A, and Lady B should get her property (the dog) back. I understand it’s tough, but these seem like Lady B’s dogs that were taken from her.

Do you have an adoption contract?

Richforester said:
Do you have an adoption contract?

No, but I have the dog registered to me through AKC.

Nari said:

Richforester said:
Do you have an adoption contract?

No, but I have the dog registered to me through AKC.

When you got the dog, was Lady A or Lady B listed as the owner?

If Lady B is the owner, Lady A sold you a stolen dog. You could try going to small claims court to get your money back. If Lady A wasn’t the rightful owner, she might be guilty of theft.

Nari said:

Richforester said:
Do you have an adoption contract?

No, but I have the dog registered to me through AKC.

Your AKC registration should show the date you registered the dog. That can prove when you got the dog.

Nari said:

Richforester said:
Do you have an adoption contract?

No, but I have the dog registered to me through AKC.

Sorry, but that AKC registration doesn’t mean much legally. A signed adoption contract would show when ownership was transferred to you. Looks like you might need a lawyer.

The dog is considered property. The person you got it from can be sued for its value, but I don’t think anyone can make you give it back.

Wait and see if you get any official papers about returning the dog. Don’t listen to Lady A or B or their lawyers, they’re not your legal advisors. If you got the dog before any of this happened, you should be good to keep it.

First off, neither of these two lawyers is yours. You need to consult your own lawyer or at least get your money back. If this turns into a civil case, wait until the court orders you to hand over the dog. Don’t take legal advice from either of them, it’s a conflict of interest.

Legally, I don’t think you have to do anything until the court decides who the rightful owner is since you got the dog from Lady A in good faith.

If Lady B ends up being the rightful owner, it might be best to return the dog to her and sue Lady A for the adoption fee. Personally, I’d return the dog if I were in your shoes. I wouldn’t want to get involved in their drama, and I’d be devastated if I found out my ex rehomed my dogs.

In California, dogs are personal property. Your contract is with Lady A. If the court orders her to give the dog back, she may ask for you to return it in exchange for the adoption fee.

If the court finds Lady A stole the dog, you might have to give it back. Until then, don’t do anything. Make sure the dog is properly licensed and vaccinated, and keep all your paperwork. You might need it to get reimbursed by Lady A if she wants the dog back.

I’m not a lawyer, but I would only act if I receive official communication from the court or the police, not from someone’s lawyer. Show me the real documents.

Paden said:
I’m not a lawyer, but I would only act if I receive official communication from the court or the police, not from someone’s lawyer. Show me the real documents.

I wouldn’t trust a random police officer’s word. They sometimes don’t know the law, and people can lie. Don’t do anything until you see a signed, certified court order. Even then, I’d call the court just to make sure it’s legit.

Yes, that’s definitely true!

If they decide the dog is stolen (Lady A took it from Lady B and sold it to you), you’ll probably have to return it. If you paid Lady A, you’ll likely have to go to small claims court to get your money back.

I’ll wait for what the court says on Friday. I’ll do the right thing and return the dog if needed. Thanks!